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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Anyone else getting by on sugarless gum and diet coke

As it seems gum can actually cause you to snack less after lunch and minimize cavaties see below:

I also think that drinking diet coke as a zero calorie drink is bad bc it isn't water but it is better than drinking a high calorie drink. I even drink diet coke instead of regular when I order mixed drinks (i.e. diet coke and rum). I figure that ever less calorie helps me to get to my goal.

What do you guys think?


  1. Hey Mandy Nice to see You ..... Is That Sugarless Gum? Something I just recently discovered that I can help You lose something with.

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  2. I love sugarless gum, I heard that when you ordermixwed drinks you should go with cranberry as the mixer.

  3. Geat idea! I'll try that next time.

  4. i love chewing sugarless gum, i have been trying to stay away from coke zero because i won't drink enough water if i do. but i will get it before i drink a sugary high calorie drink if i just have a craving.

  5. I love Sugar-free Bubble Yum bubble gum.

    There's just sometimes that I'm not hungry, but I find myself looking through the kitchen for "something". The gum somehow helps...and if I'm at home, I like to blow bubbles!

    I had to give up all carbonated drinks recently, after developing a kidney stone. I was a HUGE Diet Dr. Pepper fan. Now it's just water, water, water. I miss the soda a bit, but I never want the pain of a kidney stone EVER again!

  6. Just be careful of the caffeine. Maybe over time you can switch to something like decaf green tea (healthy stuff) but if a diet soda helps you get through, that is certainly better than a regular Coke!

    Keep on, you are doing great.

  7. I have never been a soda person ever since a mechanic suggested that I pour Coke on my car battery to eat away at this corroded crap b/c my car would not start. I poured the Coke on my battery, it ate the green crap, and then BAM my car started. So I thought to myself, if the coke can eat through that crap wth is it doing to my body?

    And yes, today I chewed the hell out of some gum but it didn't help b/c I ate up some stuff today.

    Thanks for stopping by Me So Hongry and following!

  8. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago (around 50 lbs), and I drank diet Coke all the time. It sure isn't healthy, but it kept me from being hungry all the time, and helped with the digestion. Now I try to limit it to two glasses/day though, too many chemicals.
