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10 pound weight loss challenge

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Monday, March 8, 2010

10 pound weight loss challenge starts today!

Ok everybody. We have 5 challengers including me! I weighed in at 158.6 this morning 3/8/2010. It seems I am at a bit of a standstill so I am glad that this competition will get me back in the game. When you get a chance sometime today let me know what your start weight was for the competition.

If you find yourself at a standstill with your weight loss here are some tactics to get the scale back moving in the right direction.

1) Start writing down everything that you are eating. I started looking at my writings and noticed that I was getting a little slack with the serving sizes and amounts. For instance I would write down that I had 2 slices of watermelon without weighing the watermelon or trying to figure out the EXACT quantity. Without the exact quantity it is impossible to know the exact number of calories that you are eating. Without being sure about the quantity you can never know if your anticipated spread is correct.

2) Write down what you are going to eat and its associated calories BEFORE eating it and not afterwards. Sometimes the numbers will make you eat less and/or help you make better choices. This is especially a good idea before going out to eat.throught the competition I am going to blog my calories each day so you guys can see what I'm eating.

3) More exercise. Not my favorite thing but if your body is used to what you are doing you have to change up the intensity or the length of time spent exercising if you want to get your body to release more fat. I started jogging on Saturday. Although it was hard I think my body needed it and I think that this will continue to allow my body to push towards the final goal.

What have you done when your weight loss stalls? Any ideas are greatly appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mandy, I will send you my pictures on Tuesday, since I am getting back from vacation tomorrow. I am excited!
