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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stages of Weight Loss

OK so I've been deep in thought about this. There are stages of grief right. For me there are stages of weight loss. Let me know if you think I am right on this.

1) Starter- This is what you are going through on the first couple of weeks. You are on a "weight loss high". You just started and you are making all of your workouts. You are eating EXACTLY on plan. This is the stage where you are buying all the weight loss books and dvds that you can afford. You are googling weight loss at your lunch break and doing all of your research. You are looking at inspiring stories on youtube. You had your first week and you lost an amazing amount of weight (mostly due to water) and you know that this is the best decision that you have ever made.

2) Settling in- This is the stage where you've been losing weight for a couple of weeks and you begin to miss workouts. You get used to losing weight and you relax a little on your eating habits. You may have a bad week this week as you realize that you didn't lose weight (or worse YOU GAINED) and you don't know why.

3) Toddler stage- I call this the, "I am on a diet and I DON"T LIKE IT!" stage. You are doing what you HAVE to do to lose weight instead of focusing on the journey. At this point you try to realize how soon you will be done. You are focusing on exactly how many workouts that YOU HAVE TO DO this week in order to make goal. You loathe the fact that you can't eat the old foods that you like but you know if you give in that you won't make your weight goal this week. This is the week where you are mean to your loved ones and you can't wait for this to be over.

4) Mature- If you make it beyond the toddler stage this is the stage where you "just keep your head down" and do what you need to do to lose weight. You've accepted that this is a journey and you don't focus on each pound lost (or at least you don't focus as much as you did during the toddler stage). You just focus on doing what you must do to continue the weight loss. This journey isn't something that is wonderful/fantastic or horrible. It just is.

5) You reach your goal. It is either your Sweet Dream or a Beautiful Nightmare. This is the stage where you reach your initial goal and you are on cloud nine or you realize more work needs to be done (i.e. either toning or more weight loss). This is the stage where you realize that your weight loss doesn't fix all of your woes. Actually it just creates more. In fact you find that you are the same person in a lot of ways. Yes you are a thinner person but you still have insecurities. You are human. If you relax during this stage you stand to gain all of your weight back plus some. The point in this phase is to realize what made you gain weight in the first place and make the necessary changes that will allow you to remain at your current weight (food choices/habits and exercise that you can maintain over a lifetime).

Am I right on this one guys? Any other stages I should prepare myself for?

1 comment:

  1. I love your stages - especially the toddler one. I think I'm guilty of bouncing between toddler & mature, lol. I gave you an award on my blog tonight! :)
