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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My nominations

Happy Tuesday everybody,

Not much to discuss as far as weight loss goes but I thought I would let you guys know that I've been doing fine. I weighed in last week at 155 but refused to weigh in this week. My period is coming and rather than be stressed out about my water weight gain I thought I would allow myself one and a half weeks off so that I don't stress and!

I just wanted to post a thank you to two people that nominated me on their blogs for being supportive.

Julie @ the accidental fat chick blog- really good read and posts information that is really thought provoking.

MissHaneefa@ blackgirlgetsfit- a member of my 10 pound weight loss challenge and a lady that I know will reach her weight loss goals.

Thank you guys for mentioning me on your blogs. Keep pushing and I know that you both will reach your goals (weight loss and otherwise)


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